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padi altitude diver specialty

tečaj višinskega potapljanja

{tab Why Altitude diver specialty?}
Imagine descending below the surface of a clear mountain lake. Interested? Any time you scuba dive at an altitude higher than 300 metres/1000 feet above sea level, you're altitude diving. If you’re ready to discover a hidden world where few have ventured, then the PADI Altitude Diver Specialty course is for you. Lake Bled where we conduct this course have example altitude of 507,7m.

{tab Details about couse}
Learning to adjust your dive plan for the reduced surface pressure at altitude is an important part of the course. You’ll complete two scuba dives and learn:
 - Altitude dive planning, organization, procedures and techniques.
 - How to adjust your dive computer for altitude diving or calculate altitude dive profiles using the RDP Table or eRDPMLTM.
 - How to avoid problems and handle emergency situations, if they occur, at altitude.


{tab Prerequisites needed for course}

 - have already PADI Open Water Diver course or Equivalent

 - Min. 10 years

{tab Price include}

 - Course
 - Theory 
 - Implementation of practical exercises in water
 - Internationally recognized PADI card - Certification 


{tab Medical certificate}
By folowing PADI standards medical examination is not mandatory. At the beginning of the course, each participant completed and signed papers of health status, in which are written in disease states that are not best suited for diving . Medical examination before starting practical work is required, as long as the student has or has suffered from any of the diseases or injuries that are listed in the declaration (eg, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, lung damage and ears, diabetes ). At the same time the student has signed a statement of liability.





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